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Aiden Avalon
Birthday: January 3
Occupation: Professor
Favourite colour:White, ivory and light brown
Favourite flower: Cherry blossom and peach blosssom
Favourite food: Noodles and sweet things
Least favourite food: none
Cooking specialty: Cakes
Favourite things: Video games
Specialty: Can remember people's names/faces
Hobby: Cooking
What he most wants: nothing

Aiden is Sakura's dad and a university professor as well!

Natasha Avalon
Birthday: May 20
Occupation: Model
Favourite colour:White
Favourite flower: Ivy, cherry blossom and peach blosssom
Favourite food: Tea and sweet things
Least favourite food: none
Cooking specialty: none
Favourite things:
The warm sunlight
Specialty: Falling asleep everywhere
Weak point: Remembering people's names/faces
Hobby: Sleeping

Natasha Avalon was Sakura's beautiful and gentle mother, who sadly died when Sakura was only 3 years old.

Tori Avalon
Birthday: February 29
Blood type: O
Favourite subject: Chemistry
Least favourite subject: none
School Club: Soccer
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite flower: Peach blossom
Favourite food: Steak
Least favourite food: Bean curd
Cooking specialty: Omelet with fried rice and fried noodles
What he most wants: A new pair of sneakers

Tori is Sakura's teenaged brother, who loves to tease his sister at any chance. However, he loves Sakura and is protective of her. Strangely, Tori can see ghosts, and sometimes sees the ghost of his dead mother.

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