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Whoops! This page is all about those tiny little mistakes you find in the Cardcaptors television show. Notice anything wrong? Any tiny little quirks that would otherwise go unnoticed? Any errors in the transition from the japanese to the english versions? Write me---> here , with your name and e-mail address, and your opinion will be posted up on the page!

~Syaoran and Meilin BOTH have bells on their sleeves; ever hear them ring?

~ On the English 'Out of Bounds', when Tomoyo and Syaoran are chatting at her house; they probably ARE NOT talking about Eli Moon; Syaoran is bright pink the entire time.

~ On the English dubbed episode of 'A New Set of Wings' when the four (Sakura, Tomoyo, Syaoran, Eriol) walk into the craft store, Syaoran sorta 'dissappears'...anyone know where he went?

~ Meilin Li. She was never really there. Only added in the anime version.

~ When Touya pauses in between sentences; they can't think of anything to throw in there.

~ On the English episode 'The Cave'; Sakura and Syaoran are sitting on the beach talking about ghosts...not really. It's supposed to be Yukito. They BOTH admit they love him! (Volume 4, Manga)

~ Sakura does keep all the Cards with her...she never bends them in her pocket, and always pulls the one she wants out almost instantly...and no one ever comments about them...

~ Sakura goes out rather late at one's ever worried though...

~ On the English dubbed episode 'Out of Bounds'; they SOMEHOW get into the school, and Syaoran eventually turns on ALL the lights...and not one person notices.

~ In the anime, Rika doesn't particularly like Mr. Terada. However, in the manga the two are ENGAGED.

~ The manga is MUCH shorter. They must have added a lot.

~ Sakura's weird outfits change between the manga and anime; not just with each capture. She almost never wears the same outfit for a Card between the two.

~ In 'The Cave', Anime version, Sakura uses the Float card to get across that pond. In the Manga, Syaoran uses HIS magic and they walk across.

~ The Clow Cards are much more detailed in the Manga.

~ Sakura and Syaoran become friends quicker in the Manga seris (Volume 4).

~ In the Manga Maze Card, Sakura's dad and Touya go looking for her, instead of Sakura calling them.

~ The Water Card is at her school in the Manga; in the Anime, it's at the aquarium.

~ When the series switched from Clow Cards to Star Cards, Meilin mysteriously disappeared. She probably didn't want to watch ANOTHER season of cards running around.

~ The bell Ms. Mackenzie carries; Clow Reed designed it to give Sakura another chance at being Clow Mistress. Heh, that's neat. A cheater bell!

Submitted by: Meilin Sutewarutsu

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