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The Last Card - Part 1

This episode starts out with Sakura having the same dream again that she's been having for a while now, with the cards disappearing, Ms. Mackenzie, the sense of someone strong etc... However, little does Sakura know that today will be the day that her dream actually comes true...

The alarm goes off and Sakura wakes up to yet other day. Kero notices for the first time that the outfit on the doll Madison made for her is the same outfit Sakura was wearing in her dream. Sakura is caught off guard, but there are more important things to do. She, Madison and Li are going on the train to see something called "the big competition" (an archery competition). Sakura packs a picnic lunch, and as usual, the sight of food makes Kero want to come along too! ^^ On the train, Sakura wonders what will happen after the last card is captured. They pass the radio tower, and then there is a sequence from a past episode about how she captured the dream card. The others eventually bring Sakura out of her daydream because they have reached their destination.

There's a cute scene when Li's carrying the visibly heavy picnic basket and Sakura offers to help, but Li insists that he's okay. Really sweet! ^^

Meanwhile, Kero senses the last card will come today, and also senses someone named "Yue". The archery competition has begun already, and they are surprised that Julian's competitor in the finals is none other than...Ms. Mackenzie! Sakura realizes that everyone who knows about the cards is at the tournament. Kero also keeps sensing Yue. Well, in the competition, Julian and Ms. Mackenzie keep matching each other, shot for shot, UNTIL...Sakura suddenly gets a weird feeling and Kero says "It's gotta be Yue". Ms. Mackenzie hears him and misses her shot by a mile. Li gets suspicious, and so does Kero. Later, Julian and the others have a picnic, during which Sakura discovers that Kero "took off". In fact, Kero had been looking for Ms. Mackenzie, and the two of them have a very "mysterious" conversation.

Here is a rough idea of what they said:

Ms. M - I've been waiting a long time for you
Kero - I'm impressed you recognized me in this form
Ms. M - Remember not to interfere. You haven't told her anything about the final judgement.
Kero - One more card for Sakura to capture.
Ms. M - Can she do it?
Kero - Of course! How hard can it be?
Ms. M and Kero- Then the final judgement... and Yue.

Sakura comes along and hears the final words. She remembers when she captured the light and dark cards, and how that was the first time she heard about Yue. She remembers how the cards told her that Yue had "been right beside her all along".

Later, Sakura wonders about how Ms. Mackenzie came to teach her class right after she opened the clow book. Was it just a coincidence? Kero tells her nothing is a coincidence, and Li tells her that he doesn't trust Ms. Mackenzie.

Sakura suddenly sees a vision of Yue, and wonders how he could be right beside her all along. Just then, they all sense the final card. Madison falls to the ground, and there is suddenly a great rift in the ground, from which a great mountain rises to the sky. Kero shouts, "There it is!"


Revealed Card: Cloud Card
No Kero's Corner

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