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Doesn't Matter ... Page 2

"S-Sakura?!" He asked, stammering. It wasn't possible. She had left, just so suddenly. And now, she was standing in front of him once more. They had all guessed she'd moved far away, never to return; and yet, here she was.

"Syaoran? that you?" You could tell she was confused too. As she took in the sight before her--those same beautiful amber eyes, his strong arms, everything about him--her eyes widened and filled with tears. She was home.

"SYAORAN!" She yelled, and jumped into his arms. Syaoran, shocked, blinked in total confusion. He had thought that she'd have another guy in her life by now-- surely many had tried. He was even surprised that she recongnized him.

"Sakura, what are--" Sakura cut him off, putting her finger over his lips.

"Doesn't matter." She replied to his unfinshed sentence. She looked up into his deep eyes affectionately. His gaze softened, and he pulled her closer.

"Sakura, I never told you...but...I love you." Her eyes widened more, and she slowly took this all in. She was home again with her best friends, and the perfect chance to tell Syaoran, her love, how she felt. It was a bit too much for one 16-year-old to take in.

''Syaoran...I'm sorry I left so suddenly. I missed you so much. I love you, Syaoran. I love you.'' A small smile crept across Syaoran's lips, and he began to speak again.

"I'll never leave you again, Sakura.No matter what." He looked into her emerald eyes, constantly shining, ever since the two had met.

"Good." She replied, and the two lovers kissed in the sunset, never to leave one another again.

* * * *YEARS LATER* * * *

It was their senior year in high school. Sakura lived with Tomoyo, as planned, and visited her father often. Syaoran and her were an inseperable couple, and everyone knew it.

"Morning Sakura! Syaoran!" That was the normal greeting from anyone at school. They were always together.

Today, although, was different. It was the last week of school, and Syaoran and Sakura were eating lunch again, together. Syaoran was gazing at Sakura, oblivious to the surrounding world.

"Syaoran?" Sakura asked, blinking in confusion. He was always like this, ever since she had returned.

"Yes, Sakura?"

"What is wrong with you? You aren't focusing in ANY of our classes, and you won't even concentrate on what I say."

"I focus just enough on all that." He replied smartly.

"Well, what are you so focused on to forget about school, may I ask?" Was the responce, just as smart as his.

"You. Sakura, I've been thinking lately."

"Not too much on school." She looked at him knowingly, like Tomoyo had.

"No, but...we've been going out for over four years now. High school's almost over. What's next?"

"I don't know, Syaoran. Why are you so concerned all of a sudden?" She rested her head on her hand, and began to think about it.

"Well, I figured you had a plan. Besides that, I don't want you to run off with some other guy." He couldn't make eye contact with her now, but those emerald eyes had their way.

"Syaoran, I'd never leave you. I love you." She moved over to where he was sitting, and kissed him on the cheek.

"That's good to hear."


"Doesn't matter." He replied, and kissed her briefly. "Sakura Kinomoto, will you marry me?" Sakura's eyes once again filled with tears.

"Syaoran Li...yes." They kissed for a long time, sitting beneath a cherry blossom tree in spring...

Submitted by: Meilin Sutewarutsu

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