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Doesn't Matter ... Page 1

Sakura Kinomoto walked slowly down the road to her new high school. Her dad and she had just transferred to a new city, for her father's job. She knew no one here, and had had to leave everything behind her: Tomoyo, Meilin, and Syaoran. All her memories as Cardcaptor. As she thought of this, she began to think of running back to them; she could run back--it wasn't far-- and be with her friends again. She thought about this for a long time, and considered it greatly. She could stay with Tomoyo--she'd be happy to keep her in her huge house. Sakura could re-enroll in school, and be able to see all her friends, including Syaoran.

As she thought of Syaoran, she began to blush. He was always there...but obviously didn't care for her the way she did for him. The day before they moved, she thought about telling Syaoran how she felt. When she had gone to tell him, her eyes filled with tears, knowing he would never care for her. The more she thought, the clearer the memory became...


They were sitting on a bench in the park; the sun was setting, and Sakura knew she couldn't wait any longer to tell him. Her eyes welled up with tears, and Sakura began to cry.

"What's wrong, Sakura?" Syaoran asked, looking concerned.

"Nothing, Syaoran. Nothing."

"It must be something, Sakura. You're crying." Sakura sighed. If she couldn't tell him how she felt, she had to tell him they were leaving.

"Oh, Syaoran. I have to tell you something..." She trailed off. She couldn't; she didn't want to...but she felt she had to.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Syaoran stared at her blankly, trying to understand what he thought he had just heard. Sakura thought about her life without him; it would be so empty. No one to tell her she wasn't enough, no one to push her farther than she herself thought she could Syaoran...

"Leaving?!" He exclaimed, trying to keep his voice low.

"Yes. Tomorrow morning..." She began to cry even harder, and Syaoran put his arms around her. She looked up at him; his amber eyes looking down at her softly, as if he knew how she felt.

"Syaoran...I..." She couldn't do this. It was too hard to be rejected twice...once with Yukito, now Syaoran...

"I have to" She jerked away from his embrace and ran away, not looking back. He jumped up, and began to chase her.

"Sakura!" Syaoran yelled, chasing after her. He began to slow down; she was too far ahead. He sighed.

"Sakura...I'll miss you..."


Of course, Sakura had never heard Syaoran's last line.

Sakura made up her mind. She turned to face the direction that she had entered this place, and began to run. She didn't care where she ended up; as long as she could get to her home. As she ran, she found a place she remembered from the trip here. It was a fountain; it was only about ten miles past this. She could cover the area in a matter of days. She kept running, not caring about anything but seeing her friends and home again.

* * * *DAYS LATER* * * *

Syaoran couldn't concentrate on his homework. He was too busy thinking of the day Sakura left him. She had just run away, and she hadn't called or even written since. He didn't tell her how he felt, and mentally cursed himself for it each day.

"Syaoran!" Meilin cried out. He suddenly recalled being at Tomoyo's house with Meilin studying for their Algebra the next day.

"Syaoran, is there something wrong?" Tomoyo asked him. She looked quite concerned about him, and she obviously cared about his feelings more than her own boyfriend, who had been unable to show tonight. Syaoran knew that Tomoyo knew he loved Sakura, and kept all the girls who chased him away. They might interfere with his feelings, and Tomoyo wasn't about to let that happen to her best friend.

"No, nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?" Somehow he knew what was to happen next; Tomoyo would look at him knowingly, Meilin would glance over at her, and leave the room for something strange. Sure enough, the girls were very predictable.

"Syaoran..." Tomoyo said, and got that look. It seemed like, to Syaoran, that she knew what was running through his mind at that moment, and was concerned about it.

"Tomoyo, Syaoran, I'm going to call Erynn real quick. I think she said she needed Algebra help too." Syaoran sighed, and simply nodded his head. Tomoyo nodded, and carefully followed her with her eyes out of the room. After she had left, Tomoyo got up and went over to Syaoran. She sat down beside him, where Sakura had normally sat when they studied together, even in junior high.

"Syaoran, you miss Sakura a lot, don't you?" She questioned, and looked happy and sad; all at once. Syaoran's eyes began to water, and he nodded. This wasn't like him, both of them knew, but he had honestly loved Sakura; she had just left them all. A tear streamed down his cheek as he thought of her once more.

"Don't cry, Syaoran. Sakura would never allow it." She wiped it away, and smiled. Tomoyo was always nice to him, especially after Sakura moved. He nodded again, and stood.

"Tomoyo, I've mde up my mind. I'm going to find Sakura and bring her back here...I miss her too much."

"Syaoran, you don't even know where to start." All of a sudden, Syaoran gasped. Tomoyo stood; reaching Syaoran's shoulders. He was about six feet tall, though.

"Syaoran, what is it?" She asked, knowing once again something was wrong with this troubled teen. "I feel....a force....a familiar one..." He trailed off, and dashed out the door and to the park. He spotted several people there this late in the evening, but something was different. He began to look around, and saw a girl, about his age; she was standing alone, staring at the striking sunset. Syaoran walked up to her, and put his hand on her shoulder. He firmly turned her around: Sakura.

Page 2 ...

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